Tuesday, July 10, 2007

  450,000 Chinese Tires Being Recalled, But How?

Foreign Tire Service of New Jersey has been working with the federal government's National Highway Traffic Safety Administration regarding a recall of nearly half a million tires manufactured in China.

The company imported and sold tires between mid-2002 and mid-2006 under the names Westlake, Compass and YKS.

The company has been working with the agency for far too long on a recall plan, and consumers still do not have appropriate protection. Modern Tire Dealer has constructed a timeline with all of the cringe-inducing details, but ultimately the company has been in involved in discussions with the manufacturer, dealing with lawsuits and addressing NHTSA.

Meanwhile, days and weeks continue to go by with consumers using potentially dangerous tires, putting not just them at hazard, but anyone in their vehicle's path. Although a recall plan is supposed to start next week, Consumer Help Web urges consumers who purchased these tires to contact the seller. While the seller might claim to hold no liability, enough calls for an immediate and recall plan can also come from the inside. Consumers should also ask their mechanic to check their tires for safety, again acknowledging that the mechanic cannot certify that a defective tire won't malfunction, only that it hasn't started to yet.

If all tires were sold, we might be facing up to 100,000 vehicles on our roads with defective tires. That is approximately 1 out of every thousand cars you pass. How many cars did you pass on the road yesterday and will you pass today?

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