Monday, April 17, 2006

  IRS Contractors Can Sell Data: Philly Inquirer

Cheers to Jeff Gelles of The Philadelphia Inquirer who reports that the agency is considering allowing tax preparers to sell data about their clients.

"In a world of identity theft and Sarbanes-Oxley, this makes no sense," said Consumer Help Web President Joan Bounacos. "Why would anyone use a tax preparer who disclosed that they would sell the data? Only price or non-disclosure would typically change that and neither seems good for the consumer."

Gelles' article broke March 21 and has the IRS and the blogsphere in an uproar, to say nothing of consumer advocates. The IRS, which typically spits out 1-2 press releases a day, has been strangely quiet. The same cannot be said of consumer advocacy groups.

US-PIRG's Pennsylvania chapter and the Consumer Federation of America both testified April 4 at the IRS' final hearings on the subject. The IRS is reportedly considering changes based on an outpouring of public emotion, but perhaps most importantly, after lawmakers began questioning the agency's motives.


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