Thursday, November 17, 2005

  Delta Seeks To Void Pilots Contract, Union Cites "Bone-Crushing" Fatigue

Airline pilots continue to stay in the news as beleagured and bankrupt Delta Airlines attempts to wring concessions from its unionized pilots. The Air Line Pilots Association (ALPA) had initially offered a conecssion package approaching $100 million, but stating that it needed much more, Delta filed a motion this week to have the Bankruptcy Court void its agreement with the pilots. If granted, Delta's pilots will lose the collective bargaining agreement they had and the airline will be able to force wage concessions.

Even more troubling was the recent testimony on Capitol Hill from ALPA President Captain Duane E. Woerth, a Northwest Airlines pilot. Captain Woerth testified before a Senate committee that "“Bone-crushing pilot fatigue, and the mental errors it leads to, is still one of the largest threats to aviation safety. Sixteen-hour domestic duty days--even longer with more transpacific international operations--are facts of life for airline pilots. Irregular shifts, all-night operations, and significant circadian rhythm challenges all contribute to pilot fatigue.

“With all the contractual work rule concessions that have occurred since 9/11, a higher percentage of pilots are flying more hours and working more days with longer duty periods than at any other time in recent history. No matter what this committee or the Senate may decide to do with the Age 60 Rule, the current flight and duty time rules affecting pilot fatigue need to be enhanced, not weakened.”

Add disgruntled over pay to the "bone-crushing fatigue" cited by the union and one wonders how friendly the skies will be.


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